Tuesday 16 February 2010

Funding Success!

Crack open the champagne because CFAP have awarded St Catherine's Church £300,000 towards the Church Hall renovations and link project. The money comes after many months of waiting and praying. Our application was successful on the second attempt; the difference being the fantastic support from the local community. So to all of you who signed the petition and wrote letters about the work we're doing, thank you!

We celebrated on Sunday by having a glass of Bucks Fizz and the children made this banner to praise God for his wonderful provision.

This money is only the beginning for us. The total target is £750,000. Wonderfully, we already have £50,000 left to us as a bequest from Miss Heather McGreggor who was a member of the church. We are in the process of applying to other funds for the remaining £400,000 - with nearly half the money secured, we are in a good position to get this.

But please keep praying! God has given us the vision to do something great for the community. We want to be a church who engages with our community and provides for people. Having a the right building to work from is essential and will enable the work to grow.

Have you seen the video mock-up of the architect's plans?
Click here to go to the youtube video and get a good idea of what it'll look like.