Monday 7 March 2011

what a drama

On Saturday March 5th the St Caths Plus Drama Group held their first public performance - an afternoon matinee, with wonderful tea thrown in for good measure.

There were monologues, dramatic readings, a little Joyce Grenfall, wonderful compering by Ron Eveleigh, and the whole group gave a terrific afternoon's entertainment to the good crowd that had gathered. Everything was capped off with a rendition of "I Will Follow Him" from Sister Act...

Credit must go to Anne Swann for all her hard work and vision in getting this wonderful group off the ground, and in organising what was clearly a gargantuan effort.

St Caths Plus is part of our community work, aimed at providing all kinds of activities and groups mainly for older people - but by no means exclusively so! Anyone can join in! It was lovely to see one or two youngsters alongside the "more mature", and in fact the age range was very varied in the gathered audience, which just goes to show how popular the folk who come to the St Caths Plus events are.

Cakes & sandwiches consumed, tea drunk, people entertained & the budding thespians of St Caths Plus were exhausted - but we all hope ready to begin planning their next show. This was a definite success!