Sunday 1 August 2010

Bon Voyage

Dan & Kirsty Jones joined us here at St Catherine's over seven years ago, and have become an integral part of our lives: leading our worship with their amazingly beautiful music, and advancing the children's work beyond all recognition, as well as bringing world-class concert guests and being the spark behind such creative endeavours as "Romans and Bach", they have blessed us time and time again.
Flo is now five, and Sam came along this year and was baptised just weeks ago. This morning Dan spoke movingly of how their time here has changed them and brought their faith in Jesus alive.
But now they are leaving us, moving to the Dordogne where they hope to set up a family tourist business and where Dan will engage in some guitar tutoring. We prayed for them during this morning's service, their last service with us, and presented them with a Welsh Love Spoon in the shape of a treble clef to remind them of all our love. Afterwards we shared cake and champagne and couldn't quite believe it!
Eight years ago, we had no idea of the blessing that we were about to receive the weekend they first joined us. There is some little church in the Dordogne in that position today. And though we will feel their loss personally, and of course in our music ministry, we send them with our love and blessing, praying that God will bless them as a family now more than they have the faith to ask (and others through them) and that we too may be blessed in ways we cannot imagine with gifts beyond our imagining!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Dan & Kirsty Jones were a lovely couple and got on with tem well. Me and Mary dont really know them that well, but would have liked to. We saw Dan a few times getting off the train in Pontypridd station, said hello and had a little chat. We will miss them tho, and we hope to meet them again one day. They are very pleasent. "Every one" at the Church, including our Vicars; "Marcus and Gill" are a lovely bunch and we are really happy to have met them all.


    Stephen and Mary
